MSuperLooper is the next generation multitrack looping tool designed for live performances. Capturing ideas and getting creative was never easier. It is quick, versatile and offers endless options.

The quick and versatile workflow
Live looping is all about the workflow. MSuperLooper is quick and efficient. It lets you do all the tasks you need. It has so many options no looper had before.
Touch-screen-friendly design
Ease of use is everything. We designed the Graphic User Interface with live production in mind. No tiny buttons, no miniature icons.
MIDI Remote Ready
Attach MsuperLooper it to any MIDI controller, and control multiple aspects of the behaviour, so that you feel comfortable with it.
Up to 16 tracks
Loopers used to have just a single track. That may be enough to capture an idea quickly, but it's certainly not enough for a great live performance. MSuperLooper features up to 16 tracks, 4 loops in each for increased versatility.
Modular effect pipelines
Each MsuperLooper track has it's own MXXX based modular pipeline. so you can actually play bass with your mouth for example. Every track than may have its own effect chain. Please note that while many effect modules are free, others need to be purchased separately. To see which licences you need to unlock certain effects, see the table below.
The following table shows which licences you need to get any of the modules working in MXXX with the MSuperLooper licence. Of course you can also choose any bundle that contains the required plugin.
Category | Processor to unlock | Products that would unlock it |
Modulation | Autopan | MAutopanMB |
Chorus | MChorusMB | |
Flanger | MFlangerMB | |
Phaser | MPhaserMB | |
Rotary | MRotary | |
Tremolo | MTremoloMB | |
VintageRotary | MVintageRotary | |
Spectral | Bassador | MBassador |
Character | MCharacter | |
FrequencyShifter | MFreqShifterMB | |
Harmonizer | MHarmonizerMB | |
Morph | MMorph | |
PolySaturator | MPolySaturator | |
RingModulator | MRingModulatorMB | |
Transformer | MTransformer | |
Unison | MUnison | |
Vibrato | MVibratoMB | |
Vocoder | MVocoder | |
Equalizers | Comb | MCombMB |
DynamicEqualizer | MAutoDynamicEq, MDynamicEq | |
FreeformEqualizer | MFreeformEqualizer | |
FreeformEnalogEq | MFreeformAnalogEq | |
Equalizer | MAutoEqualizer, MAutoDynamicEq, MDynamicEq, MFilter | |
EqualizerLP | MAutoEqualizer, MEqualizerLP | |
TurboEQ | MTurboEQ | |
Wobbler | MWobbler | |
Utility | AutoAlign | MAutoAlign |
Compare | MCompare | |
MultiAnalyzer | MMultiAnalyzer |
Category | Processor to unlock | Products that would unlock it |
Dynamics | AutoVolume | MAutoVolume |
DrumEnhancer | MDrumEnhancer | |
DrumLeveler | MDrumLeveler | |
Dynamics | MDynamics, MDynamicsMB | |
Limiter | MLimiterX, MLimiterMB | |
ModernCompressor | MModernCompressor | |
Phatik | MPhatik | |
SpectralDynamics | MSpectralDynamics | |
Transient | MTransient, MTransientMB | |
TurboComp | MTurboComp | |
Reverb & delay | Convolution | MConvolutionMB |
Delay | MDelayMB | |
Granular | MGranularMB | |
Reverb | MReverb, MReverbMB | |
Rhythmizer | MRhythmizer, MRhythmizerMB | |
SpectralDelay | MSpectralDelay | |
TurboDelay | MTurboDelay | |
TurboReverb | MTurboReverb, MTurboReverbLE | |
Stereo | StereoGenerator | MStereoGenerator |
StereoSpread | MStereoSpread | |
StereoProcessor | MStereoProcessor | |
Distortion | Amp | MAmp |
BitFun | MBitFunMB | |
Distortion | MDistortionMB | |
Saturator | MSaturatorMB | |
WaveShaper | MWaveShaperMB | |
Synthesis | MDrummer | MDrummer |
PowerSynth | MPowerSynth | |
SoundFactory | MSoundFactory |