
A unique creative vocal processor
Pitch shifting, frequency shifting, daemonic and robotic voices... that's MTransformer, a unique spectral processor that lets you transform any frequency to any other, transform their levels...
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MTransformer Quick Introduction
MTransformer Quick Introduction

Transform any frequency to any other

Frequency shifting and pitch shifting are very different processes and yet they share the same core - they transform each frequency to a different one. And with MTransformer you can literally change the frequencies in any way that you want. That can lead to all sorts of creative processing useful for all kinds of audio materials.

Transform levels of each frequency

In any audio material there are loud frequencies and there are also, well, silent frequencies. Have you ever thought about what would happen if they changed places? Or what would happen if the silent stuff was removed completely? Well, now you can find out ;).

Modulation heaven

Looking for a little extra variation in your sound? Look no further than our extensive modulation options. Modulate any parameter from sources such as an LFO, audio level follower, envelope generator, randomizer, or pitch detector. Your sound will never be static again.

MeldaProduction goodies

As always you'll find the standard MeldaProduction features: 16x upsampling, M/S, surround support as well as other channel modes, A-H presets for easy comparisons, and our easy to use integrated help system.

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