Tutorials: MDrummer archive
You can find the previous tutorials here. MDrummer has come a long way and the new tutorials should reflect that. You can still find lots of useful information here.

1 - Quick Setup - Drumsets
Shows the basic features of the MDrummer's sound system, how to load/merge/generate drumsets, manipulate components and effects and more.

2 - Quick Setup - Rhythms
Shows the basic features of the MDrummer's rhythm system, how to load/merge/generate rhythms, control rhythm playback and more.

3 - Midi Command Method
Explains the MIDI command method being the quickest and most advanced method for creating drum tracks.

5 - Song tab
Describes the internal sequencer available via the main Song tab. It is an alternative to the more capable MIDI command method.

6 - Automatic sample library analysis and import
Describes how to use the MDrummer's automatic sample library import feature, which lets you quickly import your samples and create drumsets & components from them.

7 - Mixer and master effects
Describes how to use the MDrummer's internal mixer, master effects and how to route different drums to different outputs.

8 - Input MIDI filters
Describes how to use the MDrummer's input MIDI filters to adjust it to your MIDI input device, such as the external electric drums, and even how to use one key (drum) to trigger different drums based on the note's velocity.

MDrummer Features - Part 1
Introduction, sound system, drumsets, plugin based sound sources and effects...

MDrummer Features - Part 2
Rhythm system, playback control, rhythm generator...

MDrummer Basics - Part 1
Introduction, loading drumsets and merging drumsets, playback control...

MDrummer Basics - Part 2
Loading and merging rhyhms, playback settings, jamming...

MDrummer VST plugin - Part 1
MDrummer as standard VST plugin, MIDI command method...

MDrummer VST plugin - Part 2
MIDI command method in practice...

Song structures
Using song structure as a simple alternative to MIDI commands, drag & drop...

Input MIDI filters
Connecting to electric drumset (and other MIDI source), calibration, changing notes...

Drumset editor basics, loading, merging and generating drumsets, a few advanced functions...

Editing drumsets
Drumset structure, drum parameters, velocity layers, source and effects...

Integrated sampler plugins - MSampler, MScratcher, MMultiSampler...

Capabilities and usage of MSynthesizer4NN...

Rhythms - Part 1
Basic usage of rhythm editor, loading and merging rhythms, playback settings...

Rhythms - Part 2
Advanced rhythm edit functions - signature, half/double tempo feel, pattern feel, speed...

Editing rhythms
Editing rhythms, loops and loop-boxes, loop editor, note parameters...