Expand mono to stereo naturally
MStereoGenerator is a unique natural-sounding mono to stereo (or even surround) expander,
which makes your tracks sound wider, stronger and punchier. It's perfect for almost any audio material from vocals to saxophones to drums.

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Truly natural sound
MStereoGenerator has been carefully designed to provide a truly natural sound suitable especially for acoustic recordings.
Fully featured parametric equalizer and stereo field analyzer
An integrated equalizer lets you adjust which parts of the spectrum you want to expand and the stereo scope gives you an immediate view of the resulting stereo width.
MeldaProduction goodies
You can also expect to find the standard MeldaProduction goodies: 16x upsampling, M/S, surround support as well as other channel modes, A-H presets for easy comparisons, and our easy to use integrated help system.