Too expensive? Check MXXXCore, which is cheaper and lets you buy only those processors you want.
70+ top quality processors
MXXX includes almost all of the MeldaProduction high end creations. That's more then 70 processors!
As you know these are probably the most versatile and great sounding processors on the market.
Flanger, compressor, dynamic equalizer, filter, delay, reverb, convolution, harmonizer, spectral
everything! It even contains MPowerSynth!
And now you have them all under the hood of a single super-plugin, so you can finally make the wildest
come true.
Or just speed up your workflow...

Modular, yet easy to use
Workflow is just as important as sound quality. MXXX excels at both.
Insert any of the FX processors and the smart modular matrix will do the routing for you.
It will connect all inputs and outputs into the most probable locations. But of course you can change
And before you ask, sure it can do feedback! It even has internal latency compensation...

Offers 500+ active presets, each is basically a plugin!
MXXX comes with more than 500 active presets, designed by the user community, post-processed by us. These are no classic presets. Each of them is essentially a plugin itself! Each of the active presets has its own set of processors and contains several controls you can use to tune the sound. Just like any plugin... Except, well, these are often way more advanced than the plugins you are currently using. Use the keyword filters in the Browser to select the suitable presets, load one and you're all set.

Inspiration is the most important thing for any artist and we all know the situation when you just "don't know what to do now". MXXX finally provides an easy solution - plug in MXXX, and just browse a few active presets, or even use the smart randomizer. It's almost impossible to run out of inspiration like that...

Optimizes your workflow...
Are you mixing? Mastering? Or maybe doing some specialized audio processing?
Have you ever dreamed of having a single mastering processor, with just a few knobs, where you would do the whole
job? Quickly and easily,
but without limiting the possibilities?
With MXXX you can optimize workflow anyhow you like, design your own
active presets to get your desired "few knobs", but whenever you need, you can always get under the hood and tweak
whatever you like!

Extremely versatile modulators
All our creative plugins feature probably the most versatile modulators on the market, and MXXX is no exception. Whenever you wish to bring life to the sound, it is just a few clicks away. You can modulate literally anything using LFO, level follower, envelope, random generator, pitch detector, transient detector...

Audio examples
- Tagirijus demo
- Other

"MXXX is a crazy multi effects tool. I mostly sift through the presets until i find some sort of sound mangling preset, and i always find a cool one within a few clicks"

"MXXX is insane. The only limit is your imagination."

Mike Gonsolin
"If you’re not able to bring magic to your tracks with MXXX, you’re in the wrong business."

"MXXX is insanely fast and versatile with really a sound for anything - taking things into a space you wouldn’t have imagined without it!"

Yarden "Jordi" Peleg
"MXXX is a MONSTER of a plugin that takes advantage of all of the Melda plugins power. With it, you can create super complex and unique audio signal paths for the most demanding sources."