Legacy changelog: 4.08 and older
MDrummer 4.08 compatibility update changes
- Fix: MDrummer wasn't properly functional via AU on macOS.
MDrummer 4.07 changes
- When changing signature, MDrummer now automatically fixes all loops according to their purpose by moving, removing or even creating notes.
- Added harmonic generator for oscillators, number of harmonics increased to 256.
- Improved equalizer band points for better visibility.
- MPhaser: Added squared and logarithmic shape modes closely resembling analog sweeping character.
- Added "tuplets" synchronization to all modulation effects & modulators.
- MDynamicEq: Added resonant lowpass, highpass, allpass filters.
- Improved signal generator smoothing performance.
- Colors slightly adjusted for better visibility.
- Added time-resolution parameter & peak detection feature to analyzers, added global presets, FFT sizes extended to 262k and overlap converted powers of 2 and extended to 4096x, for ultimate precision required with scientific analyses.
- MAnalyzer: Highly increased resolution.
- Lowered graph zooming ratio for easier control.
- Added ability to override the default units & grid in all envelope graph editors including snap-to-grid.
- MLicenceManager has been removed and MDrummer can now process the licences itself.
- MStereoScope, MStereoSpread, MStereoGenerator: Added timing parameters to all stereo scopes.
- MWaveShaper: Improved DC blocker.
- Fix: Double click on Cocoa GUI on macOS didn't work well with normal clicks.
- Fix: Clipboard access on Windows sometimes didn't work correctly.
- Fix: MPhaser could get overloaded and unstable.
- Fix: When signature has been lowered, empty loops could remain in a rhythm.
- Fix: Fixed a few denormalization issues causing high CPU usage in some plugins.
- Fix: Dynamic equalizers didn't create harmonics for notch filters unless gain was different than 0dB.
- Fix: Plugins sometimes couldn't be activated after migration between systems or system malfunction.
- Fix: Plugins always received MIDI channel 1 under Cubase 7 using VST3.
- Fix: Step sequencer shapes were not saving correctly.
MDrummer 4.06 changes
- Added drumset A-H presets for easier manipulation and storing drumsets in your projects.
- MDrummer now keeps rhythm generator settings for each target rhythm.
- Memory requirements reduced.
- Added envelope curvatures: saw, triangles and sines.
- MWaveshaper: Added asymmetric shaping, which can generate even harmonics. Added DC blocker and default mode is now linear.
- Added 1/3 oct and 1 oct mode to all analyzers.
- Added linear harmonics mode to all parameteric (dynamic) equalizers.
- Oscillator step sequencer now support multiple step shapes.
- Added "Invert" feature to all parametric equalizers.
- Oscillator harmonics graphs' units now follow number of harmonics.
- Fix: MDelay could increase amount of required memory under certain circumstances.
- Fix: Installer on Windows didn't move shared IRs into the new location.
- Fix: Analyzers didn't store "Enable when hidden" mode.
- Fix: Project storage in memory and on disk was increasing when repeatedly saved.
MDrummer 4.05 changes
- Added MStereoSpread plugin.
- Help windows now provide "Show in web browser" button you can use to create a documentation and show it in your browser.
- All peak/loudness/.. meters are now reset by clicking on them. Hold ctrl to reset individual meters.
- Step sequencer grid now follows the number of steps.
- Plugin configurations and presets on Windows moved to MeldaProduction subfolder.
- Improved MStereoGenerator audio quality.
- Fix: Freezing some drums could lead to a crash.
- Fix: Keyboard input on macOS with older Carbon interfaces sometimes generated backspaces instead of letters.
- Fix: MStereoGenerator could occasionally freeze.
MDrummer 4.04 changes
- Added MStereoGenerator and MStereoScope effects.
- Sonogram highly optimized in all analyzers and smoothness doesn't have effect on it anymore.
- Delay lines optimization.
- Added virtual keyboard to all edits.
- Phase of all oscillators can now be adjusted directly by dragging the graph or fine-tune using mouse-wheel.
- Improved user interface layout of some plugins.
- MSampler and MMultiSampler delay range extended to 1000ms.
- Fix: Load drumset presets in loop editors didn't work.
- Fix: Sample library analysis and import produced "silence" drum volume making resulting drums silent.
- Fix: Progress dialogs weren't showing with correct graphics.
- Fix: Compatibility issues, mainly with Live.
- Fix: Windows couldn't minimize MDrummer from taskbar.
- Fix: MDrummer could crash on 64-bit platforms in projects exceeding 4GB.
- Fix: Pitch-bend hasn't been detected accurately.
- Fix: File dialogs didn't update list of files when predefined folders or drives have been selected.
MDrummer 4.03 changes
- Rhythm generator preview is now in sync with host when playback is enabled.
- Each oscillator can now also be controlled using harmonics instead of shape.
- Added signal generator shape menu images, presets and randomizer.
- Added MGranular effect.
- Added "double" envelope shape type.
- Added IR phase invert and left/right delays for MConvolution.
- Pressing escape or backspace during movement on a slider restores its original value.
- Mouse wheel now doesn't change selected item in listboxes and treeviews.
- Added predefined directories and drives in all directory trees.
- Ctrl+click on a "Presets" button loads a random preset.
- Delay mode is now "classic" by default.
- Several graph editors now support snap-to-grid.
- Added decay parameter to all analyzers.
- Added transformation "Phase" to all oscillators.
- Fix: MSynthesizer4NN was crashing in ring-mod and freq-shift modes.
- Fix: Automatic sample import didn't work when input path contained "\" instead of "/".
- Fix: Background percussion templates didn't generate anything new.
- Fix: Mouse wheel didn't move much with high-resolution mouses.
- Fix: Analyzers didn't work correctly in left + right mode.
MDrummer 4.02 changes
- Added MDynamicEq effect.
- MDrummer is now Mac64 compatible.
- Added a "listen to frequency" feature to all parametric equalizers.
- Improved GUI behaviour, especially on Apple.
- MAnalyzer now shows frequency, level and note next to the cursor.
- Analyzers in equalizers can now process input signal instead of the output.
- Auto-listen to frequency by clicking in the editor field is now enabled only when holding shift or when main auto-listen is enabled.
- Double-clicking in a parametric equalizer view creates a new band (by moving and enabling any of the disabled bands).
- Displaying band parameters from band list instead of clicking it using right mouse button shows the window nonmodally - it won't be closed when you click elsewhere.
- Parametric equalizers now allow to copy & paste all band parameters to the clipboard.
- Added sample & hold distortion for MDistortion.
- Analyzers & sonograms now work only if the plugin window is open to save CPU.
- Added keyboard shortcut "B" for tap tempo.
- All textual edits of time are now in milliseconds to avoid numbers like 0.001.
- Fix: Smothness didn't work correctly upon startup in many plugins containing an analyser.
- Fix: MFreeformAnalogEq didn't correctly show equalization curve when range has changed.
- Fix: Load multiple loops were failing for some directories.
- Fix: Delay control in MSample and MMultiSampler didn't work correctly with different sampling rates.
MDrummer 4.01 changes
- Basic drum parameters can now be automated from mixer page. This includes mute, volume, pan, pitch and sends.
- Added an advanced analyzer to equalizers.
- File selectors have been highly optimized.
- Added "save drumset" feature into the Quick setup.
- MConvolution GUI has been redesigned for easier workflow.
- Loop generator now adjusts to target signature even if it is higher than source loops.
- Decreased default sound volume.
- Optimized preset and settings storage.
- Rhythm generator now stops audio processing during rhythm generator to avoid overloading CPU.
- Sample import can now automatically generate snare drum 2 from snare drum 1 and hihat closing can be disabled.
- LU meters can now show momentary, short-term and integrated loudness.
- Equalizer band points are now slightly smaller.
- Automation has been optimized.
- All drum channels now default to 0.
- Fix: MDrummer can now access additional volumes on macOS.
- Fix: Sample import enabled Freeze causing high CPU requirements and deadlocks.
- Fix: Some changes in mixer on freezed drums weren't updating.
- Fix: A Windows message was poping when trying to access an unavailable drive.
- Fix: Additional volumes couldn't be accessed on Mac.
- Fix: Rhythm generator no longer loads target channel from settings as this was confusing.
- Fix: Clicking on a mixer button and then pressing an arrow key could lead to a crash.
- Fix: Loop export didn't work correctly under certain circumstances.
- Fix: Clicking edit icon in the drum pads could lead to a crash.
- Fix: VST3 was causing crashes under some hosts and specific configurations.
- Fix: Envelope draw mode didn't work well with snap to grid enabled.
- Fix: Popup windows with some keyboard shortcuts could lead to a crash on Mac.
- Fix: Delete and backspace keys have been swapped on Mac.
- Fix: Loudness meters text value was showing "silence" with values under 0 LU.
- Fix: Dragging equalizer Q didn't work very well on Mac.
- Fix: MCompressor didn't display gain reduction and peak levels between multiple channels.
MDrummer 4.00 changes
- New sample & subsample library, MTotalPercussion 1 multisample set and a huge collection of drumsets - MDrummer now contains 7GB data library (loselessly compressed from about 40GB). Besides the standard set available in previous versions, it now contains set of electronic drums samples, subsample libraries and a multisampled MTotalPercussion 1. All drumsets have been recreated for better audio quality, less CPU consumption and better compatibility with each other. MDrummer now contains almost 3000 drumsets and components.
- New set of rhythms, base rhythms and grooves - MDrummer's rhythm system has been modernized as well, with about 400 rhythms from pop to drum'n'bass to percussion rhythms, 200 base rhythms for generating your own styles, 100 background percussion rhythms and 400 grooves.
- GUI completely reorganized - MDrummer is now much easier to use and the workflow is much quicker, despite many new features have been added.
- Added drum pad mode for simple normal-drum-machine-like behaviour. This also includes multi-sample drag & drop into pads or inside drumset editor, MDrummer automatically manages multiple layers.
- New drumset generator algorithm - MDrummer can now generate drumsets from the thousands of included components and it can also literally generate new components, additional effect layers and even effect chains for each drum.
- Added loop generator - loop editor now provides generate function, which can literally generate new loops a directory of existing ones. Great for creating new grooves.
- Added MFreqShifter, MFreeformAnalogEq and MModernCompressor.
- Complete kernel upgrade providing often about 200% performance improvements.
- Added 2 send channels.
- Added support for FLAC and AIFF samples and impulse responses.
- Added drum-type categories.
- Huge audio quality improvements for MHarmonizer.
- Super-realisticity.
- The entire settings except for rhyhms can be saved together now. This includes drumset, effects, MIDI settings etc.
- Added harmonics control in MSaturator.
- Improved analysis precision.
- Added single-pole (6dB/oct) lowpass & highpass filters for equalizers.
- Smoothness in signal generators and analyzers optimized by 200%-1600%
- MConvolution performance heavily improved.
- Added MDrummer 16-out version.
- Added dry/wet for MDistortion.
- Added draw mode in envelope editor, added middle mouse button drawing.
- Mouse wheel zooming in graph editors now zooms "to point".
- Advanced envelope editor menu.
- Added stairs & pulses mode in the envelope points.
- Added envelope editor snad-to-grid feature.
- Added step sequencer generator into envelope editors.
- Added drum gain parameter.
- MDistortion now has amp and equalizer sections off by default.
- Improved "tap" tempo feature accuracy by averaging in many successive clicks.
- MSampler and MScratcher file selectors now show only supported files.
- Band enable buttons have been removed for MEqualizer, instead the icon is clickable.
- Added reset and collapsible band editor equalizers.
- Added resizing arrow for resizable windows.
- Added visual areas for equalizers.
- Added autolisten feature to parametric equalizers.
- Added "Smooth 2" envelope point mode.
- Fix: MDrummer could crash on Win64 when project exceeded 2GB.
- Fix: Filenames with double-spaces could have been not loaded properly.
- Fix: Rhythm generator occasionally crashed when used randomize in signature different than 4/4.
- Fix: Improved stability, especially under Digital performer.
- Fix: Improved synchronization with Reaper.
- Fix: Resizing windows contains splitters changed ratio of the splitters.
- Fix: Resizable windows were sometimes showing arrow cursor even over a position, where the window couldn't be resized.
- Fix: MIDI files with program changes sometimes couldn't be loaded.
- Fix: Multioutput in AU didn't work correctly.
- Fix: Lock in envelope editor didn't lock the point completely.
- Fix: Graph editor generated weird shapes for multiple points in the same position.
MDrummer 3.02 changes
- Added 6 new effects - MTransient, MChorus, MDistortion, MHarmonizer, MConvolution, MUtility
- MDrummer is now VST3 compatible.
- 12 new MSynthesizer 4NN templates for various drums and percussion.
- Advanced processing for every signal shape editor.
- Added ping-pong mode, offset, input/feedback filter for MDelay.
- Added 3 processing modes for MWaveShaper.
- Random component selection in drumset designer.
- Added hand-clap drum type.
- All envelope points can now be locked.
- Filled help on equalizer band editor.
- Added tap feature for tempo.
- Click protection for frequency modulation in MSynthesizer 4NN.
- Added single output version.
- Added input MIDI transpose.
- Added output MIDI channel by drum channel feature.
- Added preliminary MIDI out for AU.
- Fix: Synchronization with songs with changing signature.
- Fix: Compatibility with Digital performer.
- Fix: Installer wasn't working on some macOS and Windows 7 systems.
- Fix: GUI updating on Mac.
- Fix: Effect 1 drum type didn't have any assigned MIDI key.
- Fix: Help windows occasionally failed to detect size properly.
- Fix: Envelopes had invalid dB units.
- Fix: SF2 and NKI import wasn't working correctly.
- Fix: Pitch-bend processing range.
- Fix: macOS implementation ignored spacebar key.
- Fix: Color window copy & paste.
- Fix: Import of MIDI files with aftertouch.
- Fix: Triggering of long breaks for certain rhythms processed through double-tempo feature.
- Fix: Multiple outputs were crashing on some hosts.
MDrummer 3.01b changes
- Improved macOS compatibility, especially with Digital performer.
- Fixed macOS installer not running when downloaded via torrents.
- Removed progressbar when starting or loading MDrummer.
MDrummer 3.01 changes
- MSynthesizer4NN templates - Being extremely versatile MSynthesizer4NN was also a little harder to use. Now it contains more than 20 predefined templates providing simple creation of drums, such as snare and bass drum. Not limiting its features, templates only configure the MSynthesizer4NN parameters, so you can further tweak it. This makes the MSynthesizer4NN the most advanced drum synthesizer in the world.
- Advanced song structures editor - while MIDI command method is still the most versatile, Song structures are now even more powerful and easy to edit.
- Full resizing using plugin editor border - our plugins still remain the only ones in the world providing true resizing using window border as you are used to with normal windows. Add the most advanced styling engine and you have the best GUI ever.
- Added MFlanger effect.
- Added harmonics and advanced band editors to MEqualizer.
- Drumset and rhythm undo for basic operations such as loading, merging, changing speed...
- Added submit drumset and MSynthesizer4NN settings, so that you can easily send your settings to our servers. We can then add your drumset to next releases or even create templates from your synthesizer settings.
- Kernel and GUI optimized and protected against compatibility problems.
- Added classic mode and serial mode to MDelay.
- Improved Windows 64-bit compatibility.
- Added drag & drop loop as MIDI from the loop selector in Rhythm editor.
- Optimized equalizer graph rendering.
- Added double/half speed for beat or loops.
- All versions can now coexist. Which means you can have MDrummer Small, Demo and Large all 32-bit and 64-bit together on a single system.
- Graphical improvements, modified style for better visibility..
- Layers panel is now collapsed by default.
- Added edit button into the drum designer opening editor for particular drum.
- Shuffle range extended to 150%.
- Integrated activation - no licence manager is need anymore, you can activate your MDrummer just by drag & dropping your licence file into the plugin.
- Mute buttons highlighted when pushed.
- Loop editor shows velocity number you should use in the MIDI command system to trigger selected loop.
- Improved help system.
- Zipper noise protection.
- Fix: Rhythm synchronization problems.
- Fix: Switching to song structures was causing lags.
- Fix: MDrummer was sometimes having huge GUI.
MDrummer 3.00 changes
- Highly improved MMultiSampler for MTotalDrums - multisampler now handles multisampled multilayer multimiked libraries for even more powerful and realistic acoustic drums and percussion. Pitch envelope has also been added.
- New installer contains MTotalDrums, 1.5GB top-quality multisamples and almost 60 new drumsets - sound quality like never before, multiple microphones, alterning hits, many velocity layers, amazing sound quality, that's just for starters. New multisample libraries use our new compression method, which make them smaller than ever before.
- Drumset designer improved, component selector changed to tree-view, component text corrected.
- MDelay - added tap gain, feedback extended to 0dB.
- Duplet synchronization renamed to dotted.
- Change of drumset component sorts the drums.
- Improved file sorting in lists of drumset, rhythms, etc.
- MCompressor - maximize is now disabled by default.
- Fix: Load song caused crashes in VSTi.
- Fix: MSampler pitch envelope caused pops.
- Fix: MDelay didn't store settings correctly.
- Fix: Host looping didn't work correctly.
- Fix: Breaks starting at first quarter occasionally didn't start at correct position.
- Fix: Load/Save as drumset chooses current file by default.
- Fix: Routing behaviour in standalone version.
MDrummer 2.17 changes
- Stylable & resizable GUI engine.
- Switched to keyfile licencing.
- Kernel optimizations.
- Fix: Rhythm system wasn't working properly, when commands were slightly out of first quarter.
- Fix: Rewind didn't cause MDrummer to stop.
MDrummer 2.16 changes
- Added drumset designer - you can now edit your drumsets without the drumset editor right in the quick setup. Drum designer let's you choose each component from hundreds of predefined drums.
- Added master effect selector - quick setup now contains a master effect selector you can use to apply rooms, distortions and other effects with just a few clicks. MDrummer contains more than hundred predefined sets.
- Added effect presets - integrated effects now have presets, which are also synchronized with our VST effects of the same type. When you install our free VST effects or MReverb, you will get the default set of presets in MDrummer too.
- Added separate panel for mixer and master effects - for easier access to the mixer and master effect pipeline it has been separated to a separate panel and the globals panel now contains song structure, settings and MIDI filters.
- Added saturation to MReverb.
- Added dry/wet volume compensation to MReverb.
- MIDI import now applies input MIDI filters, which makes it easy to convert from non-standard libraries.
- Batch MIDI import can now convert all your MIDI banks into MDrummer loops.
- Added input & output gain to MWaveShaper.
- Several SSE optimizations.
- Optimized wav loading.
- Changed MReverb defaults.
- Added track peak feature to MAnalyzer.
- Avoided glitches when loading.
- Fix: Double click in loop editor tracks outside of any track could cause crash.
- Fix: Duplicate drum didn't clone effect enablings.
MDrummer 2.15 changes
- Released 64-bit version.
- Integrated effects can synchronize with rhythm/host.
- Added pitch envelope to MSampler.
- Added SF2 import.
- Added pitch setting to a layer.
- MDelay now contains 2 taps with panorama and synchronization.
- MSaturator even harmonics range extended to 500%.
- Extended MAutopan pan-law range.
- MEqualizer band enable highlight.
- MAnalyzer changes graph color with psychoacoustic simulation.
- Added introduction screen with elementary info.
- MIDI key editor automatically scrolls to a selected key.
MDrummer 2.14 changes
- Multitrack song sequencer - new song structure editor shows all rhythms in a classical track sequencer view including current position locator. Rhythms are synchronized. Additionaly you can save the entire MDrummer state including rhythms, structures, effects, MIDI filters and drumset into a file, so it is now extremely easy to use it for realtime performances.
- Added MReverb effect - our newest creation is now included in MDrummer, available to use in separate drums effect chain as well as in master effect chain.
- Master effect chain - you can add effects not only to separate drums, but also to the global master chain. For realtime performances you therefore need no host anymore.
- Rhythm generator preview - when working with rhythm generator the base rhythm is now played with it, so you can hear the final groove without need to generate the rhythm.
- Rhythm generator randomizer - by clicking a single button you can make rhythm generator load random settings and essential beat. Get inspired! ;)
- Output channel association persistence - all drumsets are now even more compatible - when you change output channel mappings in one drumset it will be preserved whenever you load/join/generate another drumset (can be disabled in Drumset editor/Advanced). You can also store your predefined mappings if you are e.g. used to put secondary snare to a certain output channel.
- Loop recorder improvements - loop recorder now synchronizes with host, so you can record inside MDrummer while the host playback is running. You can also turn off the default automatic replacing behaviour.
- Help windows are now scrollable and can fit better for various resolutions.
- Additional loop editor functions moved to "Functions" menu to make it easier to understand.
- Axes for all plugins such as MEqualizer or MAnalyzer are now truly logarithmic.
- Improved tracker control accuracy using Ctrl key.
- Added pan law to MAutopan.
- Increased visibility of units shown when moving graphs.
- Painting has been optimized.
- Fix: Rhythm generator save/load stored tempo and other settings, which should not be saved.
- Fix: Loop editor quantization could place notes at the end of the loop.
- Fix: Popup Windows were untouchable when minimized.
- Fix: Routing in standalone was always attached to the first output audio channel.
MDrummer 2.13 changes
- Batch MIDI import & smart MIDI import - MDrummer can now import multiple MIDI files from loop collections. Moreover it contains smart MIDI import feature we used to create factory loops. It can process an entire MIDI track and get loops from it applying several corrections such as velocity calibration and combined quantization. All available in Rhythm editor / Advanced.
- MIDI recording - loop editor can now record loops. Just connect it to any MIDI source in VST or standalone and press record.
- Song structure loop - for easier jamming you can now program a sequence using song structures and let MDrummer repeat it.
- Synchronization and performance improvements.
- Fix: Tempo indicator was not displaying correct value in VST.
- Fix: MIDI commands were ignored after rewind.
MDrummer 2.12 changes
- Full MIDI export from song structures - MDrummer was already able to drag & drop MIDI commands from song structures. Now MDrummer can render the entire song into a MIDI file and you can drag & drop it in the same way. Then you can edit the drum track note-by-note.
- MSubSampleLibrary generator - MSubSampleSynthesizer provides extremely simple way to create new original sounds. Now you can also create your own subsample libraries from your samples using a single button right in the MSubSampleSynthesizer GUI and get sounds like never before!
- Advanced song structure edit controls - add verse, add chorus, multiselection.
- Added MIDI command drummaps for Samplitude.
- Added solo/mute to output MIDI filters.
- Default number of output channels set to 1.
- Added update command file "update.cmd" in installation directory, which can be used instead of start menu item.
- Performance optimizations.
- MAnalyzer resolution increased to -80dB.
- Fix: MEqualizer disabled graphics.
- Fix: Saving state in Ableton Live.
- Fix: Output MIDI filter icon update.
MDrummer 2.11 changes
- Advanced resizable styling engine - we are proud to announce, that MDrummer is the first software featuring vectorial-based resizable textured styling engine. This way MDrummer's appearance can be completely changed not only by colors, but using our predefined styles and you can even change its dimensions without loss of graphical quality! You can now work with MDrummer on small displays or even extremely large resolution devices, where standard fonts are not readable anymore.
- MIDI import/export - MDrummer loops are much more powerful than standard MIDI files, however you can now easily import them from the loop editor.
- When adjusting parameters of multiple notes, relative changes are now used instead of setting all notes to the same value as it was before.
- Fix: Rhythm generator default tempo was not stored properly.
- Fix: Output audio channel was displayed from 0 instead of 1.
MDrummer 2.10 changes
- Solo/mute buttons in mixer.
- MEqualizer bands color highlighting.
- Double clicking on a track and note creation selects all notes and particular drum in drumset editor.
- Click on a drum button in mixer selects particular drum in drumset editor.
- More accurate settings in MCompressor and other effects.
- Reversed direction of resonance for band-pass.
- Output volumes are edited in mixer.
- Shortcut "A" for drum sound is now not affected by pitch-by-velocity setting.
- Fix: Layer duplication.
- Fix: End of volume envelope detection.
- Fix: Removed "disabled" loop type, since it is useless.
- Fix: Cursors in loop editor.
- Fix: Entering space and upper-case letters for layer name.
- Fix: MVibrato with 0% phase difference caused crash.
- Fix: Deleting a loop occasionally did not redraw.
- Fix: Envelope smoothness controller dragging.
- Fix: Some rare multithreading problems.
MDrummer 2.09 changes
- MeldaProduction Envelope System (MES) - every envelope can contain unlimited number of points of several curvature types and per-point smoothing with advanced user interface and ultra-high speed processing engine, which makes MDrummer approximately 150%-600% faster (measured on SSE2 machines). Everything computed in 64-bit as usual for maximal sonic quality.
- Custom signal shape morphing - signal editors now morph not only predefined signal shapes and but also any shape created using the envelope system. This applies to any signal editor from Synthesizer 4NN to any effect such as tremolo, vibrato or autopan.
- Advanced graph user interface - any graph editor (including envelopes) now contain additional methods for zooming and moving the viewed area using mouse-wheel and Alt shortcuts.
- Added bandpass to all oscillators in Synthesizer4NN.
- Advanced copy/paste in Synthesizer4NN.
- Velocity layer mode moved into layers panel for easier understandability.
- Fix: Layer name could not be correctly stored.
- Fix: Layer duplication.
- Fix: Secondary sample path change now applies immediately after edit.
- Fix: Selection in loop editor.
- Fix: Mode for the first oscillator in Synthesizer4NN disabled as it is useless.
- Fix: MAnalyzer fixed windows.
- Fix: Sample graph zooming direction.
MDrummer 2.08 changes
- Acoustic drumsets have been remixed to get better sonic quality, less noise etc.
- Version number added to the MDrummer title.
- Fix: Fixed Ableton synchronization at position 0.
- Fix: MAnalyzer fixed windows.
MDrummer 2.07 changes
- Rhythm system synchronization upgraded - looping, multibar grooves and extraordinary signatures such as 5/8 should be supported now. Optimally speed-change should be used to compensate speed difference with the host.
- Output level meter for each drum in global mixer - this way you can easily find out which drums are playing and how loud they are.
- Envelope editor now restricts point dragging to range of its neighbours for easier editing.
- Added MSaturator even harmonics control.
- Added gain controller for MAnalyzer and normalization mode fixed for better comparison in smooth mode.
- MIDI filters can now select a source/target MIDI key when you select particular piano keyboard by clicking on it and play a key using your external keyboard or any attached MIDI source.
- MIDI output filter now generates a note when you click a piano key, so that you can easily verify the attachement
- Corrected MIDI event editing - +2 octaves starting from -2 as defined by MIDI standard.
- Freeze controller available for multiselection in drum listbox.
- Layer sample export now exports mixdown of all layers in "All" mode to export what you really hear.
- Space key removed from some places to ease controlling VST host.
- Equalizer vertical smart axis.
- Selection is removed on drumset generate.
- Fix: Crash cymbal after break velocity depending on the rhythm level.
- Fix: SSE optimalization for some rare kernel processing.
- Fix: Eraser mode cursor for right click.
- Fix: A few mistakes in integrated help.
- Fix: Textual edit for some controls.
- Fix: Downloading of larger updates caused "Invalid resource library" message when the server disconnected.
- Fix: MSynthesizer4NN noise generator resonance slider worked in an opposite direction.
MDrummer 2.06 changes
- Song structure system - now you can start without any MIDI commands at all. MDrummer provides a simple editor to construct you song structure and get driven by that. Run MDrummer, load a drumset and rhythm and your drum track may be finished! Using drag & drop you can create a MIDI file containing commands which you can drop into your host sequencer to get more flexibility using our MIDI command system. And your song structures can be saved as always.
- Textual edits for all trackers - since now you can edit values in all trackers inside our software by specifying a text. Just click on any tracker while holding Shift key and specify your value with maximal possible accuracy.
- Custom sample path provide an easy way to access your own samples. The path is shared among all of the MSampler and MScratcher instances, so it is easy to change your sample path if you move it somewhere else.
- Jam mode now works correctly in VST too. You have also two ways to use it. First you can enable song structure and jam along it. Or you can use standard MIDI commands to define where MDrummer should play and where not and use channels 11-16 to jam.
- Solo/mute for tracks in loop editor.
- MIDI mode to disable everything except channel 10, let all channels play instead of commanding rhythms etc.
- Holding ctrl key when clicking on add bar (arrow icons) icons in loop editor duplicates the source bar.
- MDrummerConfig contains "test sound" button toggling audio output.
- In loopeditor double-click on a track selects all notes in it, extends current selection when holding shift. Parameters of selected notes are highlighted. New notes painted in pen mode are automatically added to the selection.
- Time settings for MSynthesizer4NN oscillators and noise generators are now nonlinear for easier configuration in small values.
- Spacebar in standalone MDrummer performs rhythm start/stop.
- Delete key now works in all listboxes.
- Fix: SSE optimizations for older processors.
- Fix: MCompressor invalid behaviour with minimal threshold and unlinked channels with defined curvature of custom graph.
- Fix: Loops inside VST hosts are now processed without discontinuity.
- Fix: Rhythm generator hang in Reaper.
- Fix: Additional rhythm properties could not be close under certain circumstances.
- Fix: Import of NI Battery 1.0 kits.
MDrummer 2.05 changes
- Global mixer - now you can easily manipulate all drums with their volumes, panoramas, pitches and channel mappings inside a single window. An output peak meters for each channel make the mixing even more simple.
- Input MIDI filters provide an increadibly versatile way to manipulate incoming MIDI data. You can map each MIDI key to up to 4 different drums depending on the velocity and also define input velocity transformation using our shape graphs, which make things like compression unbelievably simple. Using automatic calibration you can attach and adapt any source (like keyboard or electric drums) in a few seconds.
- Output MIDI filters provide an easy way to attach other sound generators to the output of MDrummer. For example MDrummer can control external keyboards or software like Addictive drums and EZ Drummer just using MIDI inputs in your VST host.
- WAVe output - MDrummer can now record its output and save it as a WAV file(s). This is very useful for drummers or anyone using mostly the standalone version to record their performance.
- Several effect plugins have been improved in performance and features. See free VST plugins for more information.
- Fix: MIDI device selection.
- Fix: Occasional deadlocks caused by MIDI.
MDrummer 2.04 changes
- Significant performance improvements.
- MAnalyzer improvements & frequency smoothing.
MDrummer 2.03 changes
- Changes in MCompressor:
- Smart units showing important dB values in 100% zoom.
- Non-linear attack/release time editors for better configuration of small values.
- Added gain-reduction and output level meter.
- Added output-gain parameter.
- Attack/release resized to 0-1000ms.
- Fix: Unlinked channels processing.
- Changes in MEqualizer:
- Smart units showing important frequency values in 100% zoom.
- Q now editable using mouse wheel over a band-point.
- Playback disabled during time-consuming operations (such as drumset loading) to minimize pops.
- Fix: Editor size in Reaper.
- Fix: SSE2 optimizations.
- Fix: Support for energyXt1/2.
MDrummer 2.02 changes
- Added collection of 10 new afro-cuban rhythms and base rhythms.
- Added note name map for Reaper for easier editing of MIDI command drum tracks.
- Fix: Reaper support (SSE2 optimization for nonaligned memory caused exceptions).
- Fix: MCompressor behaviour for unlinked channels.
MDrummer 2.01 changes
- Performance improvement for SSE2 : MEqualizer (400%), MCompressor (50%), kernel (40%)
- Fix: Pitch-bend, which casued in some VST hosts (Reaper, Sonar) immediate change of global pitch into -24 semitones.
- Fix: Synchronization for multibar rhythms.
- Fix: Samplerate changings.
MDrummer 2 changes
Since there were too many changes, we present only the most important ones:
- 5GB of hq multisamples of 2 drumsets.
- 12000+ loops including world music, new rhythms...
- MMultiSampler now processes new multisample format mixing several sound sources, layers and alterning hits.
- MIDI jamming mode.
- MDrummerConfig can set number of output channels and routing to the physical device channels.
- Multithreading synchronization has been heavily improved and MDrummer now supports latency under 1ms and almost no lags on time-consuming operations like drumset loading.
- Rhythm partial loading - load verse, load chorus.
- Additional rhythm controls - verse 1, verse 2 and chorus.
- Note offset is now tempo-independent, which makes it an ideal way for flams.
- ASIO driver now uses separate threads and supports latency under 1ms.
- MDrummer can automatically variate cymbals - randomly switch between crashes, splashes and chinese, which is important for world-style breaks.
- Tom offset - you can using one tracker let mdrummer use higher/lower toms.
- Drumset load & replace loads a drumset, joins it and removes any original drums. Useful for choosing appropriate components.
- MCompressor has 3 knee modes.
- MSaturator has 7 soft limiting modes.
- Equalizer has now 6 bands with 7 possible modes for each band + visualization.
- New plugins such as MAnalyzer.
- Drum multiselection and multiediting.
- Several speed and sound quality improvements.