
Up to 6 bands of ultimate power
MDynamicsMB can split the input into 6 separate frequency bands, providing analogue crossovers with up to 120dB/octave separation, linear-phase and hybrid crossovers. What you do with each of these bands is up to you.
All-in-one solution
Each band can do it all. It can be a compressor, expander, gate, any combination, or you can even draw your own processing shape for more creative effects. Add in integrated parallel compression, full channel linking, up to 8 channel surround processing and much more and MDynamicsMB becomes the ultimate tool for multi-band dynamics.
Ultra-flexible level follower
MDynamicsMB can adapt to any audio material thanks to its extremely versatile envelope follower featuring automatic release modes, peak hold, RMS length, look-ahead, psycho-acoustic pre-filtering, custom attack and release shapes, spectral smoothing and much more. And of course, it can be different for each band.
Extremely versatile side-chain
MDynamicsMB can not only follow the input level, it can filter it or even use any other signal from the side-chain. For filtering you can have a simple band-pass or even fully-featured 6-band equalizer. And again each band may be different.

Niko Lyras
"MDynamicsMB is a powerful mastering plug in, as well as a general purpose mixing tool, bringing details to the surface and adding punch & definition."